Game that can be played through with minor audio or graphical glitches. Adventure Time: Finn And Jake Investigations.Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don't Know!.Itadaki Street DS: Dragon Quest Super Mario. Wii U Games that can be played with no issues. (Pre-install Only, NES) Classic NES Series: Super Mario Bros. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild !.

Plus you can run the game at 4K resolution with 60 Hz refresh rate if your PC hardware can handle it. Yes - Breath of the Wild does work on Cemu and with the graphic packs from the GitHub it arguably looks better than even on SWITCH. Many popular games seem to work already though sometimes with glitches. This emulator is still in development and has limited compatibility with games. Download: Super Mario 3D World (NEW) Cemu describes itself as experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on PC. If someone would send me a google drive link for the ISO, I would greatly appreciate it. Super Mario 3D World ISO I have been looking for a 3D world ISO, but form what I know, wii u ISO's are pretty hard to find. Universal wii u key for cemu emulator open key.txt in cemu folder, delete all content and paste this key: copy the table content and save as keys.txt on the emulator folder.