These were glitches I wasn't expecting, but they weren't too troublesome. Along with the USB key they sent me activation codes that didn't work, requiring another phone call. They neglected to send me the USB key that enables the Nissan expansion, but a phone call corrected that. I ordered the software directly from the AE site back on January 30. Along with the generic OBD2 features, I wanted AE so I could: 1) pull DTCs and display live data from enhanced powertrain, SRS, transmission, and airbag systems, 2) graph live data, 3) display decoded mode 6 data, 4) record and playback live data. Most of the work I do is on my 1997 Nissan Maxima. Background: I’m not a professional auto tech, I’m an engineer. Here’s my review of the Autoenginuity scan tool along with the enhanced Nissan expansion.